Monthly Update – Jun 23

Image by tigerlily713 from Pixabay

June has flashed by so fast. After returning from my Scottish holiday, I received a call to say that my new motorbike was ready for collection – Whoo Hoo ! A new vehicle and back on the road on two wheels. I have bought a Royal Enfield, so its a classic looking bike, and I have to now run it in. I have never done this before but means that I need to keep to restricted speeds while riding and have to limit my rides and distances until it reaches its first service. That is quite a good thing in some ways as it gives me time to refresh myself with riding and getting use to the bike itself and the way it operates. It is harder is some ways as it limits where I can ride due to road speeds. I need to avoid hilly locations and high speed roads.

I am glad the weather has been dry as it has meant I could go out and start accumulating the mileage. The bike is already booked in for its first service so I have a timeline and target to aim for. I have enjoyed my rides out and it has put a nice grin on my face. I am enjoying the rides to cafes and out into the countryside. It is a breath of fresh air for me, literally. I am enjoying this and it has given me something to focus on and get my brain working again. I am buzzing, in a good way, when I end the ride as my mind has been focused on defensive riding and learning the bike. It has helped to give me some self confidence back. It has been a good exercise for me.

Other activities this month has included completing my tax return and going out to pubs and social meet ups which has helped to improve my mood. I miss the social aspects in the winter.

I have also noticed that the market town where I live is getting worse. The council has now approved the planning application to close the shopping centre in the town and convert it into residential flats. The town was once a thriving traditional market town but like others it is now full of empty shops and sad looking people. As I walked through the town the other week I did not see any happy looking people, they were all heads down and pacing along. The number of shops just keeps diminishing each time I walk through. The shops in the shopping centre are now running down their stocks and any new arrivals are pop up charity shops who are using the space to stop it looking like some abandoned apocalyptic landscape. There are no closing down signs yet so I guess the shops are operating up to their respective lease dates and just operating the stores with less stock. It may also be another reason why the staff look disheartened and sad. I am not sure which chain stores will move to retail parks and where the remaining independent retailers will go. It seems that this is not the only town having this issue after seeing the same on my holiday.

To add insult to injury the council have now reduced the speed limits throughout the town to 20mph. I do wonder what the real reason is behind this, is it more to help bring in self drive cars? I guess at some point the town will become pedestrianized. For anyone buying or renting one of the new shopping centre flats, they will have no parking so will have to find somewhere to keep a car – or – not own a car at all. Is this the real aim?

I will keep enjoying my motorbike and travels while I can.


A little bit of paid survey income and interest from cash accounts, including a premium bond win. I have finally got my rental council tax refund and paid it into my account. So that is another task completed. Dividends have been paid early into my ISA from my global funds so this month my ISA income is higher than expected, it means than next month will be lower. I am pondering what to do as I am feeling a bit bored at times and wonder if I should try to find something to do. A nice flexible part time job would help me feel active and give me some motivation.


Just my normal living expenses and some extra spent on social activities and travelling around on my motorbike.

Month End Summary

A good month for travelling around and learning my bike and getting the mileage up. I have spent some time enjoying the sun and meeting people which has improved my mood. I just need to keep going and enjoy every dry day. I am waiting for my tax return to come back after the accountant has confirmed my non-tax payer status and that I have correctly paid any CGT and just meander along. I am so glad I am out of the landlord game and can focus on my investments and try to find things to change my outlook and move forward into a new phase of life.

Enjoy the summer sun…

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